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Causes And Cures Of A Hemorrhoid Flare Up

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Posted on: 07/27/22

Many people suffer from hemorrhoids and suffer in silence due to embarrassment. It can be a difficult subject to talk about, but you must talk about it in order to get relief. This article can help you to become educated about hemorrhoid attacks, what causes them and what you can do to alleviate the pain.

Use caution when applying hemorrhoid products that contain local anesthetics. Although these ingredients are intended to provide temporary relief from pain and stinging sensations, they also have the potential to cause an allergic reaction in the perianal area, which then leads to more irritation, burning, and stinging. If you experience a worsening of symptoms, you should discontinue use of the aggravating product.

During the course of the day, you will want to drink at least eight glasses of water. Water will help to improve the blood circulation in your body as well as reducing the irritation that you may feel. This is very important to help control the painful symptoms of hemorrhoids.

If you are having trouble sleeping at night, apply petroleum jelly to the surface of your skin. This jelly contains mineral oil, which can reduce the irritation, dryness and soreness that you may experience due to your condition. This ointment will help to control hemorrhoids and prevent it from getting worse.

The next time that you take a shower, make sure you are using lukewarm water instead of hot water. Heat can worsen your condition if you have hemorrhoids and can cause your sores to get worse. Stick to warm or cold water to maximize how you feel during the day.

One thing to watch out for when you have hemorrhoids is poor quality toilet paper. You will want to purchase toilet paper that is extra soft, to reduce the irritation that you experience in the bathroom. Constant irritation from toilet paper that is too rough can worsen the symptoms of your hemorrhoids.


If you are prone to hemorrhoids and you have a job that requires a lot of sitting, then you need to get up and move a few minutes each hour. Exercise is very important in the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids. Also, you will want to refrain from heavy lifting and anal intercourse to avoid the risk of developing hemorrhoids.

Many people often wonder what caused them to develop hemorrhoids in the first place. Among the factors that play a role in causing hemorrhoids are having a diet high in processed foods, sitting for prolonged periods of time, heavy lifting, straining during bowel movements, coughing, sneezing, pregnancy, and obesity. While some of these activities are unavoidable, you have control over others and can exercise that control to alleviate the symptoms of your hemorrhoids or to prevent them from developing.

To prevent hemorrhoids from flaring up get plenty of exercise. This is really important if your job requires long hours at a desk. When you are constantly sitting it putts additional strain on the veins in the rectum area which can lead to hemorrhoids. Try taking a break every half an hour to stand and stretch your muscles.


Consuming daily vitamins and supplements can help you manage your hemorrhoids, over time. Supplements and vitamins can help fill in for some of the nutrients you are missing from your usual diet. Look especially for a supplement named Venapro. This supplement is specifically designed to treat and prevent hemorrhoids.

As revealed in the beginning of this article, hemorrhoids can cause the patent great pain and embarrassment. They suffer in silence and are afraid to talk about it. This article can help to reveal causes and offer treatments that can reduce the pain. With proper treatment, you can see a reduction in severity and frequency of attacks.

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